
Boost employee engagement with inComm


Tackle the employee-centric gap



Of managers believe their organization is performing well in its efforts to keep teams engaged and motivated


However, only 34% employees report feeling included in the company’s progress, values and strategy


Source. KPMG Pulse Report Q1 2020


Unleash the brand ambassador in every employee

Connect teams with highly-engaging internal content. Make sure all your employees know what’s going on inside the company. Share your values, tell stories to your team in your own voice, and celebrate the wins that define and build your culture.

Facilitate onboarding and life-long learning

Give all new employees, or people in new roles, the information and advice they need. Whether it’s everything you need to know about the culture of the company, how basic things work, or what success looks like in the new role, internal communications help bring people up to speed in a really engaging way.



Drive motivation, improve retention

Help people in different roles and at different stages of their careers build new skills, learn new strategies, and discover new ideas. Showing your staff that you care and giving them information that they need to succeed is a fantastic retention strategy.


Internal content designed for engagement


Q&A Moments

Debate with colleagues, managers and experts. Give your staff the opportunity to ask questions to managers, experts or collages. Create enticing podcasts, videos and posts around this unique Q&A moment.

Corporate News

Trends, innovations, market news, corporate wins - our team of expert in your industry interprets internal and external news that require explaining for a broader internal audience to understand and put into perspective



Continuous learning is key for any organization. Given the right content, employees can keep learning throughout their careers. Create e-learning materials that make learning easy and promote soft and hard skills.

Corporate Storytelling

Tell the story of your company, in your voice. From project reports to employee stories, corporate story telling is vital and builds a true sense of purpose. Who are the heroes in the field? What projects are worth sharing? What does life look like in other areas of the company?


Engaging Shows

Learn a Skill

Project Report

Ask a Manager

How it Works

News Decodifier

Expert Round Table

Voice of the Customer

Employee Stories

Go Beyond Email

Live Broadcasts

Internal Social Media


Explainer Videos

Quizzes and Challenges

Interviews & Testimonial Videos

Roleplay Videos

Fake Spam